Sunday 16 November 2008

Still waiting...

Hi Guys!

Well, there's no movement on the shoulder front - come to think of it there's NO movement in the shoulder period!! LOL

I'm still waiting for word from the hospital!

Coo's been a little bit better and we're now around 10 seizures a day, sounds a lot but remember at the worst point it was up to 30 so things are still on the up!

Remember I told you about the wee group I host on a Monday night?
The members all have disabilities, mostly either physical or learning difficulties.

We'll, we recently had a Halloween Party and it was great!

I was dressed as a witch!
There really were an assortment of other crazy disguises from Pirates and fairies to a ninja clad all in black!
One of our wee lads turned up sporting high heels and a long pink wig! LOL
It really was fun!

We ducked for apples, and made fruit kebabs!
Well fruit and marshmallow anyway!
In my chocolate fountain which was hauled out the cupboard specially for the occasion - any time & date will just about do it these days!!LOL

I loooooooove chocolate!
It's so messy isn't it!LOL

Anyways, a good time was had by all and after some games, songs and dancing, giving out prizes for the best dressed people(yet more chocolate and sweeties!) the night was all done!

Roll on our next's PANTO time...oh no it isn't...oh YES it is!!!

Soon we're off to the theatre for our Christmas day out and this time I think we'll leave the toffee's at home, well especially after last years hassles - there was almost a punch-up over some rolo's!LOL

Keep strong and best of all keep smiling!

maz x


  1. You're so upbeat! How do you do it?

    Sorry to hear that there's no progress on the shoulder front - the NHS is so sloooooooow, isn't it?

    Sounds like your hallowe'en party was a lot of fun. It's the kind of thing I would like to do when the little ones get bigger.

  2. NHS? it's slow as a week in the jail!!
    Not that I'd know!!!LOL

    Thanks for popping by!

    maz x
