Wednesday 19 November 2008

Travel Deals again...Woo Hoo

Hi Guys!

Remember last year around this time I got a cheap deal with the travelodge and went off for a few days to Edinburgh?

Well it's happening again! LOL

Coo has not been so good lately, it's been chest infection city here!

This year, so far, we've only got away for a few days in June to blackpool.
That's the closest we have gotten to a holiday together so I'm taking the chance and booking a few days away again in December!

Fingers crossed he'll be fit to go.

I think I'll keep it a secret for now!

So just like this handsome chap here....

Fingers on lips! LOL

Keep strong and take care of YOU!

maz x


  1. Where did you find that picture of me??

    I'm jealous! I'd love to have a break, but there is no sign of one on my horizon...

  2. I have nominated you for up to 2 awards and I've tagged you simultaneously. Pop along to my blog & see if they're worth picking up.

    Best wishes!

  3. Cheers Robert!

    So you like the look of monkey man then! LOL

    take care
    maz x
