Sunday 19 October 2008

new hope....maybe!

Hi Guys, guess what?

I saw another ortho surgeon at last!
He thinks he can help me with this darned shoulder and I'm so relieved, it was starting to get REALLY painful!

The surgeon said he will see me sooner rather than later too so that's a bit of a bonus!

Since I last posted, I've been away for some respite.
My mum and I went to Blackpool and it was great!

We stayed at the Royal Seabank Hotel on the front.
The meals were tasty, the room pretty and the people friendly.

Best of all we got Tram ride tickets thown in for FREE! LOL

We jumped on a tram out to St. Annes and walked along the prom till we found a...Tea Shop so I did get to eat those cream cakes after all! LOL

The best thing was...
Being able to sleep for 4 whole nights in a row...


I can't believe it's a whole year since I was last away for a break!

Coo wasn't too poorly while I was away so that was really good but you know how it is, unless I heard his voice each day, I couldn't settle so I called him right after breakfast each day, had a wee chat and then enjoyed what the rest of the day had to offer!

I'm so glad we have a system that works!
Our Direct Payment really let's me be free once in a while and I sooo appreciate it!
Makes me wonder how I cope without wasn't easy that's for sure!

I think it helps that it's our daughter Looby who is our P.A. (personal assistant) as when I get some time away, I know Coo is in good hands and I can switch off for a bit!

Coo's seizures are still pretty bad, he's currently having around 10 during the night and 2 or 3 during his daytime nap.
Things seem to have kinda settled into a pattern now so at least we know what we're dealing with.

I must admit though, poor Coo feels like a pin-cushion with all the blood tests, they're every 2 weeks now with no sign of letting up.
I suppose the up side is with all the careful monitoring, we've avoided the hospital admissions this year wooo oooo!

I guess everything is a trade off isn't it?
New meds mean more checks and side effects too so if you're any better or even break even it's a plus.

Well that's how Coo and I now see it.
I must admit though, we always keep our hard hats and flap jackets at-the-ready just in case!LOL

I hope things are fairly settled where you are!

maz x

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