Tuesday 12 August 2008

Well it did rain....

It rained and it rained and it rained! LOL

I'm glad in the end I did decide to put on my wellies after all!

You know something though?
All that rain didn't dampen the spirits, in the words of Wallace and Gromit, it was a grand day out!

It always amazes me how people less fortunate like our wee group, who are all addition/special needs, a bit of a motley crew with an assortment of disabilities! keep so cheerful.

It didn't really rain on our parade, well it did but a multi-coloured assortment of silly rain poncho's and wellie boots and a group with no particularly cares on fashion sense made for a FAB day out! LOL

I'm glad I pushed myself sore shoulder and all and went ahead with this as a dozen people who really deserve a good fun and free outing had a ball! LOL

We were rewarded in the end as in the afternoon the sun came out and we all got to sip cuppa's and coffees on the beach - what a blast!

Bags of chips all around and a ferry ride back home...Fun? it sure was!

maz x

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