Thursday 28 August 2008

So disappointed...

I'm gutted!

I just came back from a hospital to see the Orthopedic Surgeon and it looks like he can't help me.
I have had pain in my shoulder for 3 years now.
The first year some hydrocortisone jabs kept it at bay but since then it's been real bad!

In a way it's a good thing my x-rays were normal but it's so painful all the time I'm really struggling now.
The Ortho say's without knowing what exactly the problem is, he doesn't want to 'open it up'.

Where does that leave me...

Well, he's going to refer me to his boss now and see what he thinks so I guess it's a case of just keep taking the pain killers and cranking up the TENS machine for now.

You know, with all this electricity running through my body all the time, it wouldn't surprise me if one of these days, I woke up with a curly perm LOL !

Ok, maybe the orange is stretching it a bit!!LOL

Coo's still struggling on.
His meds have been reduced as he was toxic so his seizures are up again.
He's worried about me too, which isn't helping things and to cap it all it's blooming raining again!

Hey-ho apart from all that we're both hunky-dory!

I'm reminded again of Granny, who always said...
It's a good life if you don't weary!

I think it could be lucky white heather time!

Keep thinking happy thoughs(or taking the pills)!
maz x


  1. Hi Maz - 'gutted' you may be, but your blog is brilliant - Thank You. Here in the W of Scotland we've had soooooo much rain recently, and just enough sun to remind us of what's out there above the clouds....... Hope the TENS is helping you cope with your shoulder. If one setting isn't as good as you hoped, try another - there's various options to explore, and some settings will be better than others. All re best an' loadsnloadsaluv, CP x

  2. Cheers for your post and thanks for stopping by!

    maz x
