Friday 8 August 2008

Hey ho...

Hi Guys, how goes it?

Things are pretty much the same-o same-o here, Coo's still struggling with seizures but we're kinda resigned to the whole thing and now take each day as it comes!

My shoulder is still sore, even after the hospital visit but I'm hopeful they can do something with it so we'll say it's a work in progress!

Our summer seems to be over here!
All week we've had the wellies and rain jackets out but funnily enough it's still pretty mild, so we're counting our blessings - it could be worse you know!

Our wee club for special needs adults, is off on a day trip tomorrow to the Isle of Arran for the Brodick Highland Games and both Coo and I, are looking forward to the ferry trip as it's been ages since we visited the Islands!

Mind you, the weather forcast doesn't sound too promising but I'm sure it'll be great fun!

Only one thing now...where did I stick those wellies!

maz x

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