Sunday 6 July 2008

Hoping for sunshine...

Hi everyone!

Things have been a bit difficult for Coo recently, his meds are up and down like a yo-yo but we're still hanging on in there and paddling hard!

At last my appointment is nearing, so I'll be off to Hospital on Thursday to get that troublesome shoulder examined...ouch!

I've been lucky with the good old it's only taken 3 months to secure an appointment and I'm quite relieved really as I'd been told it could take 6 - 9 months!

I must say, I'm not looking forward to going at all as each time I've visited my GP, he's reduced me to tears with his poking and prodding of it!

Incidently, what's your weather been like?

Here, it's been wet and windy!

June was the worst it's been in years.

I'm not at all sure about this Global Warming milarky as it's even colder and wetter here than ever!

Never mind, Let's hope for some sunshine soon.

Take care,

maz x


  1. I hope all went well with your NHS appointment about your shoulder :) Nice to see that you had an enjoyable break in Blackpool.

    Weather has been good here (mostly) for the last 5 weeks or so. Showery today, but quite warm. I think that we're doing better than most of the UK.

    Thanks for popping in at mine, with your kind enquiry. Life isn't so easy just now, but I'm coping. The kids keep me going, and their constant smiling is just the tonic I need!

    You seem quite relaxed about your circumstances. Long may it continue!

  2. Hi there - it's just as chilly and very very wet down here over the last week in sunny Devon!
    Hope your shoulder is sorted soon. All the best ...
