Saturday 24 March 2018

Caring magazine and us...

Hi guys just incase you missed it last time around...
I thought I'd share our big interview!
We were asked by Caring Magazine  - well I was, Coo just came along for the ride! lol
 Caring Magazine issue 46

It was originally going to be a wee piece about North Ayrshire's brilliant 'Carers Appreciation card'  and it is but it kinda took arms and legs and ended up covering a whole lot more and a few pages long...we're on pages 4 - 7 and with some happy pics included too!

SDS (Self directed support) has made such a difference for us, it helped open doors that were previously tightly closed. Time for respite both together and some time apart, time out for training and even time just to sleep and turn off from caring for just a little while, knowing things will be ok.

Help for carers is out there!
It's just knowing where to find and ultimately access it that's the tricky bit and by pushing and sharing information, we can all try and get a better deal for carers!
Keep strong friends as will I!
Maz x

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