Friday 23 March 2018

Back #stronger #sad still #caring...

Hi guys it's been so long since I blogged I almost gave up!
It's been such a difficult few months.
I got sick, my Rheumatoid Arthritis spiralled and I picked up yet another diagnosis (Fibromyalgia) to add to the mix. Coo got sick  - viral which increased his seizure level and he went back on that AED (anti epilepsy drug) see-saw again. you know the one, too much drug in the system major seizure activity and too little? Ditto!
Worst of all, my lovely 'fit as a flea' mum got sick and there's no easy way of sharing sad mum died just after Christmas. My rock. The one who helped me through when I struggled and things were so desperately difficult, was gone and in a heartbeat things changed forever.
We supported one another, my dad, sisters, Coo and I but it's all been so very difficult.
How do you begin to recover from such a gut wrenching blow? Honestly? I still don't really know. The practical side of me took over and the things that needed done, were done but all the feelings and hurt were jammed in a box, tied up tight with a big bow and locked away for another day and I'm unsure if I will ever open that box an look inside!
Being a carer is like that, well it is for me, no matter how you feel or what is happening in life, the business of caring continues, it must and so it does...regardless! I think that's how you cope with all those issues that caring brings or who knows, maybe it's self preservation #carer style! I doubt it's particularly healthy but it gets us by in the mean times!
 Carers support
I still managed to support #carers and bless them, all my wee Three Towns Carer friends came to support me through mum's funeral - I felt truly blessed! Caring for dad, mum was a three towner too and with some bereaved themselves, it couldn't have been easy.
I think that's the benefit and real value of community groups like ours, that peer support and love shared when people really need to know they're not alone!
I'm sharing this pic as my dad always thought it was hilarious I took mum demo-ing in her seventies but she was game for anything really and the state of what is...just us makes me smile...I can still hear her shouting 'axe the tax' mega lols

When we work together, we truly are #buildingcaringcommunities
Maz x

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