Thursday 29 June 2017

PIP, Carers Week, SDS & IJB...

Hi guys, it's such a while since I blogged, my hands still hurt when typing and I've not found software that fully understands my Scottish twang...yet! lol

So what's been happening?
Well, our hassles with DWP and PIP (personal independence payments) are over - well for a while at least! An assessor visited our home to save further disruption and upset for Coo and seemed to understand the issues of coping with such complex needs and thankfully, things went smoothly this time. It's such a relief it's finally over as we've both been so stressed with this process hanging over us for the last few months. Hopefully things will calm down a little now and we can get back to normal...well normal for us that is! lol

Carers Week...
Carers Week is easier for me to enjoy these days SDS (Self Directed Support) being in place makes the world of difference! Regardless of how Coo is feeling (within reason!) my plans seldom need to be cancelled and if I want to pop over to Irvine to the Carers Centre for a 'posh tea party' or a wander in the park it's ok...I can go and so I did!

North Ayrshire Carers Centre Irvine. (Facebook)

Here are some Three Towns Carers with two of our newly elected local Councillors Jean and Davina...they like a wee posh cuppa too!

Media Interview...
Look out for me in Caring Magazine next time! I gave an interview on North Ayrshire's Carers Appreciation card - it's a wee thank you for carers and among other things, gets them some discounts on local goods and services. The interview started out about our carer card and then grew arms and legs as I shared some of Coo and I's journey so it'll be interesting to see how it all comes out in the wash or the print for that matter! mega lols

IJB, Health and Social Care Partnership...

After all the recent changes, campaigning and elections, we welcomed new members's all hands on deck and back to work for our IJB (Integrated Joint Board).
 Our new Carers Champion..
Councillor Christina Larsen is our new North Ayrshire Carers Champion and has joined us on the IJB so with new councillors and a champion who are carers themselves, we should have the best of chances in making sure carers voices are heard! I honestly feel, it's only by working together we can really achieve change for all carers!
Keep strong!
Maz x

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