Thursday 13 April 2017

Struggles, Stresses & Shingles...

Hi guys, yet another stressful month here!
Still no decision from DWP on his PIP claim/assessment so things with Coo have been a blast...again! The stress, health hassles and continuing seizure spiral sure took it's toll and Coo's AED's (Anti Epilepsy drugs) hit toxic levels last week.
We had blood tests done to check things in the afternoon and by nightfall, ADOC - the out of hours NHS services - were on the phone with the toxic news and a 'reduce the meds now' message! We were back on that dreaded AED drugs see-saw again!
Our already leaky boat, just got a great big bit more leaky - we coped or I thought we had. We know the drill, drop doses, contact the Neuro and let him know we're struggling, hole up at home -I call it hard hat and flak jacket time- and wait it out!

Coo's neurologist, Dr Tyagi's great! We've known him for ten years, he's patient and kind and really listens to him, he's an all around great guy! He sorts an emergency appointment and between us we sort out a plan of action and begin to move on!
Blood results are better this week so panic over you'd think? NO!
I got poorly with the shingles! What the heck!?! I'm seldom proper ill! I think it was probably stress related and a mixture of everything going on. Thankfully I'm on the mend now and Coo's doing better too so result...woo hoo!
That circle of support is so important for Carers especially when they are poorly!
We're lucky the SDS (Self Directed Support) care package, kicked in seamlessly and Looby - (our PA) came to stay for an extra few nights until I felt a bit better and we all lived to tell the tale! lol

I think that's really the difference it makes when Health & Social Care get it right! Carers have some much needed help and feel supported, they recover quicker and are able to cope with the situation and from an economic point of view, costly hospital admissions are avoided too as with proper support it's all managed that much easier at home!
**It would have been so much more difficult coping without it that's for sure!**

I'm hoping for a more restful time...a few weeks stress free would be nice for us all though wouldn't it!
Stay strong
Maz x

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