Tuesday 14 July 2015

Wee 3T Carers Respite day...

Hi guys I've been off out on a Respite day with my wee group!

Three Towns Carers...
Around six years ago our Carer group began. We are now a wee family of eighteen, who share and support one another through out the troubles and triumphs caring brings.
We offer support, friendship and extend a wee helping hand to Carers in our area and that can make all the difference in the world! I'm so very glad I found them!
We operate on a financial shoe-string using 'Tea money' and a little assistance from our local authority for which we are so very grateful! This wee bit funding makes it possible for us to access a much needed time-out and a little fun spent with other Carers too!
Yesterday was one-such day!
Fifteen of us set off (in the council mini-bus!) for a wee day out to Dean Castle and Country Park in Kilmarnock and what a day we had! From Castles and gardens, Llama's and Donkey's to pigs - both pot bellied and guinea ones!- we saw the lot and had a fantastic day in the process!
It rained too but it didn't dampen our spirits!

 I like to live life by this principle...
 It's not about waiting for the rain to stop, it's about dancing in the puddles! 

Here I am doing exactly that!

It's thanks to our SDS (Self Directed Support) that I can access days like this at all. There were times in the past it was all just to difficult and stressful and in the end it was easier to say 'I can't come' and just stay home but not anymore! SDS has opened so many doors for both Coo and I, we can arrange time-out to do something together or like yesterday, I can sort care and get out and have some time to myself too - what a luxury! 

I know this isn't the case for all Carers, too many still struggle on alone year-on-year as I did and I'm so grateful for the support and changes SDS has brought us, I sincerely hope other Carers find the support they need too.

So inspiring I wanted to share...

This is from the circular memorial stone in Dean Park Kilmarnock and I thought it so apt for our Carers too - especially as we were on our grand day out!

Stay strong my friends as will I!
Maz x

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