Friday 26 June 2015

Respite, SDS, Carer Roller-coasters, hard hats and keeping well...

Hi guys, it's been a bit of a roller-coaster week here!
You know the kind - up and down and kinda difficult to catch your breath kinda week!

On the up side...
Thanks to our SDS (Self Directed Support), Coo and I managed a respite night away at the theatre in Glasgow! woo hoo!
We went to... Dirty Rotten Scoundrels!

What a great show! It was booked ages ago and yet again, it was a bit touch-and-go if we'd make it as Coo's been real poorly but he rallied around on Monday and still wanted to go and...I'm so glad we did! He kept well pretty much, while we were away and we both so enjoyed it all so...result! lol
I guess a change is as good as a rest right enough! lol

Now for the down side...

The life of a Carer sure is a roller-coaster ride at times, a lovely night away, a giggle eating ice-cream in the theatre and then back to earth with a bump!
Coo's seizures have worsened, he's so very tired and tetchy shall we say! We're ok, I've dug out my hard hat and we'll get his bloods done, sit it out for a bit and just see what happens...again!

Keeping well...
I'm glad I completed that 'Mindfulness' training TACT - (The Ayrshire Community Trust) recently offered free - it's come in handy over the last few weeks.
I didn't think I needed this training as I'm usually kinda upbeat about things in general and cope pretty well but it's taught me to care a little more about me too and be a little kinder to myself and I guess that's a good thing to learn!

I bet a lot of Carers could really use 'Mindfulness' training too!

Stay strong friends and be 'mindful'
Maz x

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