Saturday 4 October 2014

SIB, Advisory group, Carers meet and new babies too...

Hi guys, what a week - I've been busy again!

First up...
I was out with my Local Authority and NHS Health Trust - I'm the Carers rep on the shadow integration board (SIB) and try to make sure Carers voices are heard just about as often as I can!
Next up...
I went along to the latest Carers Advisory Group last Thursday. It's a good meeting, Carers from our area, meet with the Carer champion councillor Steel and other council representatives and Carer services providers to discuss, issues and concerns. It's only by working together we can successfully change things and get a better deal for Carers.
Fun times...
On Friday, some of our Three Towns Carers went over to Irvine for a master-class in, of all things, hanging baskets! lol Now I grow loads of veggies and fruits but I'd never arranged a hanging basket before and guess what? It was fun!
Eight of us had a ball, planting up the baskets and tea drinking! What a pleasant way to spend a wet Friday morning!

I kept the best news for last...

Our new wee grand-baby arrived this week so...
meet baby Islay Eve with her big sister Jessica!
We're just truly tickled pink with the both of them!

 All in all it's sure been a busy week and it's been a happy one too!

Next up, it's the Carers Parliament on October 8th!

I hope you've had a good week too where you are and if you're at the Parliament...shout out for Carers!
Maz x

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