Tuesday 23 September 2014

A wee Swim a smile and a time-out...

Hi guys, I'm feeling more like my sunny self today!

Coo had a more settled night with six seizures and was up and around early too so...

we decided to take our grand-daughter Jessie swimming!
Well, I went swimming with Jessie and Coo had a wee cuppa and watched us splash about!
It was fun, a wee change and a pleasant wee hour out for Coo too and it has lifted my spirits back up again so....result!

All's well in our world for now!
Hope you're having a wee time-out where you are too!


  1. A little bit of normality is so good isnt it? Sounds like things are difficult for you both but than goodness you ahd a wee break xx

  2. After everything that has gone on so glad you had a great day out with the little one:)

  3. Thanks guys! Little normal things are just the ticket sometimes aren't they? It's funny but who'd have thought normality would feel so nice? lol
    Keep strong,
    Maz x
