Monday 22 July 2013

Sunshine, jam and strawberry tarts...

Hi guys, it's been a great summer so far!

The sun is still shinning! woo hoo
We've been at home mostly this week as Coo's been poorly but we're doing ok!
...and while Coo's been asleep...I've been busy! lol
Remember those millions of strawberries growing ruby red in our garden?
You've just got to use natures fruits haven't you? 
Especially when they're so abundant and free! lol So...
cue some lovely jam and better still....
Strawberry tarts - now, just who could resisit!
 Strawberries are by far my most favourite fruit! I kinda like the way they just do their own thing and regardless the weather, they succeed, survive and make something really kinda wonderful!

I've  a feeling I'll need to ride my cycle quite a bit to work off all the strawberry tart eating but you know what? It was so worth it! lol

Why not have a wee strawberry tart too?
Go on treat yourself - you deserve it! lol works for me!
Maz x

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