Sunday 28 July 2013

Struggles and yet more problems with meds...

Hi guys, it's been a stressful week again this time around.

Coo's struggling, he's stressed out again and this time it's because baby Jessica's hip surgery has been postponed. Her op will not now be until mid August - something to do with Anaesthetists!
We were a bit upset but it turns out, it may have been for the best as this week, Looby took shingles and yesterday Jessie has some spots too so it may well be that chicken pox are imminent! It never rains but it pours! Speaking of which...
The rainy weather is back too! lol
We're trying to make the best of things and just go splashing in those puddles! It sure beats drowning in 'em that's for sure!

The other big stressor, was caused by a change in meds and the issues surrounding the dispensing of it! - what a hassle that turned out to be!
Firstly, the chemist dispensed the drug in the wrong format and then it took phonecalls to both our doctor and pharmacy and some to-ing and fro-ing, to eventually get things rectified. Meanwhile Coo was already stressed and struggling with baby Jessie's op changes and this latest meds problem just added to the overall issues of the day...getting the picture?
It sure wasn't fun, that's for sure!
In the end, the meds got sorted, Coo stressed a bit less, the rain went off eventually and...we all lived to fight another day!
Happy days! lol

Let's hope for some calm!
I sure hope you're having a more settled week where you are!
Maz x


  1. I've enjoyed reading through your blog, sending best wishes to you and your family :)

    I also write a carer's blog: please feel free to check it out.

    Amy x

  2. Hi Amy, thanks for dropping by! I'll take wee looky see at your blog too!
    Maz x
