Thursday 25 April 2013

Our Anti-Bedroom Tax update...

Hi guys, we've had some movement on this issue!

I posted last time about our MP Katy Clark and our MSP Margaret Burgess, who were trying to help us with the under-occupancy or Bedroom Tax issues we were experiencing.

They both had asked our Local Authority, to reconsider our case and offer help with a  Housing Discretionary Payment.
We had a meeting with their Welfare Reform team, filled in some paperwork and... we've been successful!
The Local Authority, will assist us financially with the additional housing expenses, at least for the next year anyway and thank goodness! We are so relieved!
Coo was totally stressed out and struggling with this whole situation and I'm glad we can at least have some breathing space for now!

It's not over though - the fight continues!
We still have an appeal lodged!
We honestly feel the decision to remove our funding in the first place was flawed! Due to the disability and how complex things are for us coping, the additional space needed for our overnight PA and my ongoing respite periods too, we really don't have any unused or spare rooms in our home so I've decided to let this appeal continue.

Maybe government will realise how unfair these arbitrary decisions really are for people with disabilities and their Carers - we live in hope - and we really must all support one another along the way!

If you're caught up in the middle of this, remember to keep strong, contact everyone you can think of who is in a position to help and don't give up hope!
Better times must surely be coming!
Maz x

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