Sunday 21 April 2013

After Campaigning...respite!

Hi guys, after hitting the campaign trail in recent weeks, I decided a wee time-out was much needed!

Coo's been struggling with all the stress generated by the current 'Bedroom Tax' issues we currently have. I suspected we would be affected badly but hoped we could manage things and with minimum stress for Coo, sadly I've quickly found this easier said than done!
I managed to cushion Coo from as much of the impact and stress as possible and pushed ahead with letters and phone calls to both our M.P. Katy Clark and our M.S.P. Margaret Burgess and while this has been helpful, we're still going to be stuck with additional housing costs and a difficulty in meeting this new expense.
Luckily our M.S.P. Margaret, asked the Local Authority to contact us about a Housing Discretionary Payment. This means we may be able to get some additional funding to help and I hope we do as downsizing is not going to be an option for us due to all the adaptions we would need!
For now, in our case, I've done all I can we wait!

The financial worries to one side, health-wise, Coo's drug levels are still problematic, in fact they're all over the place. His seizure levels are on the up again too, stress tends to have a knock on effect like that and things spiral out of control so I decided, having done all I can for now, on the 'Bedroom Tax' front, it was as good a time as any to book some respite for us both.

Thank Goodness for our SDS (Self Directed Support) Care package, it means at times of real struggle, we can quickly access funds and take a time-out and...that's just what we did last week!
We didn't go far, just a little ways up the coast and it was...

...Magical! - Just look at that view!
It's a real pretty place, we used to visit often when our children were small. We always enjoyed it and I'm glad we returned again!
This time, we had a few days on our own, wandering around, relaxing and generally just keeping things calm and restful. In the middle of the week, Looby & Steven brought baby Jessie for a few days so we had some quality, family time too and as Looby was along...I got some much needed sleep so...result! lol
We've come back home all rested and relaxed so everything else is just going to have to wait for a few days!
We're doing ok and I hope you're doing ok where you are too!
Maz x

1 comment:

  1. Hi there thanks for your kind comment and thanks too stopping by!
    Maz x
