Thursday 16 August 2012

Holiday choices...

Hi guys, It's been sunny weather here for a few days!

It's made such a difference to the mood in the house!
I often find this is the case, grey days make for even greyer moods and a wee drop of sunshine seems to raise the spirits and lighten the load a little so...long may it continue! lol

Our SDS - self directed support or personalisation care package - what a label! It's really the new system that gives us some control with Coo's care and how his budget is spent and it seems to be opening up some new possibilites for us!

For the first time in years it could be possible for us to access some travel again! We've not been abroad in many years as it was just too expensive with Coo's unstable seizures, insurance was always very expensive, if they'd quote at all!
Sometimes travel insurance cost more than all the other holiday expenses put together! Usually this meant we just couldn't afford to go so we'd just stay at home in the U.K instead.

***It seems things are about to change for us!

With some support, plus a wee friendly push from our social work friend to try new experiences, added to the fact, we managed to find a medical insurance company who would insure Coo for less than the usual inflated rates, means...we've decided to spread our wings again and try a few days in Europe! Woo hoo!

I'm not sure where exactly we'll go yet but it'll be somewhere within Europe that's for sure. That way it's only a short flight and a lot easier for Coo. I guess the next step is to have a wee look around and see where we'd like to visit!
It's exciting times well for me anyways!
I guess some people take things like holidays and travel as run of the mill and expected but like most Carers, I view it very differently as a bit of a luxury and something to be prized!

I was really worried about switching to this new SDS sysem for our care package. I just didn't want to risk what we already had and maybe be worse off, not so much financially we'd have managed somehow but being left with less support than before was the real worry for us!

I'm so glad we stuck with all the SDS assessment hassles and those RAS (resource allocation system) teething troubles as it's proving to be a very positive experience! For the first time, in a long while, I honestly think our quality of life is improving and that's something I think we both had kinda given up hope on!

If the option of Self Directed Support comes your way, don't worry and stress about it, give it a try, it's really working well for us!

Happy days and sunshiney thoughts,
Maz x


  1. Hi Maz,

    I couldn't find an email address to contact so I thought I'd post a comment!

    I'm a copywriter for the healthcare, social care industry and wondered if you accept guest posts.

    Please get back to me at if this is something you'll consider.

    Thanks, Ross

  2. Not done so before, I'll have a search around for info and let you know Ross.
    Maz x
