Monday 20 August 2012

Carers Parliament...

Hi guys, guess what? I'm going to Scotlands first ever Carers Parliament!

It will be held in the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh on the first of October and Carers will get a chance to pose questions to ministers. It's going to be televised on the Parliament Channel too so it should be good!

Having had such a positive experience so far, first with our Direct Payments and more recently with our SDS personalisation care package, my question is...

***When will we see the promised Direct Payment for Carers in their own right? This funding will enable Carers to purchase much needed support and respite and this alone could make such a massive difference! A wee bit of additional funding can relieve a lot of pressure and make everything just that little bit easier to manage!

It'll be interesting to see what other Carers ask and more importantly what the ministers answer will be!
I've time to submit some other questions too so please leave a comment if you've a question you'd like posed on the day!

I honestly think it's only by working together and supporting days like this, even if they only succeed in raising awareness of Carer issues, that Carers will ever really get the support they need!

Lastly, if you are one of the lucky ones who are there on the day maybe I'll see you!
Maz x


  1. Well done Maz, you will tell them how it is.
    Why dont you let the members in chill4us know, they will be right excited for you.
    For years you have done outstanding work for carers and you will be doing even more now.

  2. Thank you Wendy!
    Maz x
