Thursday 4 August 2011

More mishaps...

Hi Guys, We've had a little mishap...well Coo has anyway!

I'm not sure exactly what happened but Coo's hurt his arm. He can't remember giving it a knock or anything and he has been limb jerking a lot this week so it's probably seizure related but who knows!

He has an appointment to get bloods done tomorrow so we'll let the doctor have a wee look at it while we're there!

In other news...
I've been busy with my Local Authority this week!

They were looking for Carers to help them plan their new personalisation strategy with social services so of course I agreed!
It's so seldom Carers get the chance to be involved with the policy makers and especially at a stage where they can influence the strategies and get hopefully a better deal!
I've a few more days contributing at workshops and I just hope they listen and the Carer involvement really helps us all get a better deal!

Wish me luck...I've a feeling I'm going to need it!
Maz x

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