Friday 5 August 2011

Coo's arm...

Hi guys, Coo's mishap is still a problem!

We saw the doctor today for Coo's usual blood tests.
While we were there, he had a look at his poorly arm - it's painful and now developed a bit of a clicking sound when he moves the elbow joint, well Coo never does things by halfs! lol

The up-shot is, he's hurt it during a seizure and needs to go to the A & E.
As our GP puts it so aptly...
"I do try me best but I 'aint got x-ray eyes!" He is a bit of a character, our doctor don't you think?
I guess, with all the scrapes he's seen Coo and I through over the years he's more of a friend than just our doctor!

Anyway, Coo's decided to wait - he's never very kean on visiting A & E! and our hospital is quite far away and Friday nights there are usually bedlam and best avoided if at all possible!
His reasoning more day won't hurt things and it's his choice I suppose!

Hey-ho, looks like another hospital visit is definately on the go tomorrow!

Wish us luck and a speedy in-and-out too! lol
Maz x


  1. Good luck with the arm... and I'm guessing the biopsy worked out okay.

  2. Hi Sapphyre, not had any official word yet! My guess is there's nothing seriously nasty or we'd have got information quicker - hope so anyway!
    Maz x
