Thursday 14 July 2011

Testing times and Sunnier times too...

Hi guys, thankfully I can report some sunnier times this week!

The lovely sunshine has come back to share it's warmth and best of all Coo was able to persuade the medical people not to sedate him during last weeks tests, at least he didn't have to worry about seizing during the procedures and that was his (and my), main worry!

We managed ok. At least that bit is all over and we just need to wait for the biopsy results so fingers crossed everything will work out ok. I'm a little bit worried how things will fare, especially as we now know, Coo will not accept an anaesthetic in a hurry - let's just hope it doesn't come to that!

In other news...
Looby and Steven had their first scan wee baby B!

Coo and I are going to be grandparents! Now how about that!
Looby and Steven got their scan at the very same time Coo and I were in another hospital having his tests done!

It was good we had some pleasant news after such an ordeal for Coo.
How are Looby and Steven? Well all they could say was - "thank God it's only one baby" it seems there's twins in Steven's family and they both felt one was just fine and dandy! LOL

Our wee baby won't come until the new year but my goodness It's exciting already! LOL

I think I've been stung by the smiley bug! LOL

Happy Thoughts and (((hugs)))
Maz x


  1. I've been a grandparent for over 16 years now (makes me sound really old - perhaps I am?)! I'm sure you & Coo will enjoy this new phase in your life.

    Thanks for popping in at mine during my prolonged absence. Your comments were/are most valued.

    Btw, Marie & I considered getting married at Gretna - even drove 400 miles to check out the venue. However, I'm sure that having our "medieval" wedding near our home was the right decision (if you haven't already seen it, you can see it on my blog...

    ...but I have to admit that the picture of a snowy Gretna is extremely attractive.

  2. Hi Robert! Great to see you back for a visit!
    Maz x
