Wednesday 1 June 2011

Happy news from me to you...

Hi guys can you guess my happy news?

Well, after the 'Winter wonderland of Looby & Steven's wedding in December...

We've had some great news!
...We're going to be grandparents! how lovely is that!
The wee baby won't be born until into the new year but I'm excited already! lol

We've not had little ones in our family for quite a while so this should be fun!

I decided to try my hand at knitting something for Looby's bottom drawer...(wee hidey hole for baby things!).
...and here they are...

Cute or what? LOL
Knitting, hasn't really been an interest of mine but I wanted to make a wee knitted something for my very first grand baby!

The loom is out and a wee baby blanket is on the go at the minute too.

I'm working up to a wee baby jacket next but there's plenty of time so I'm in no rush. I'm sure I'll get there.

Big smiles and (((hugs)))too, hope you're happy and doing ok where you are too!
Maz x