Monday 4 October 2010

Anyone for dumpling today?

Hi guys, I've always loved dumpling, especially in cold weather with my feet up (when I can!) and a...nice wee cup of tea! LOL

I would never have attempted to make it the old fashioned 'clootie' way my mum and granny did, all that mixing and boiling in a cloth!
With a troublesome shoulder, it would've been just too much stress with all the mixing involved! Anyways, my mum, gave me a microwave recipe for dumpling and it seems pretty easy so with my......mixing bowl at the ready...I'm giving it a bash right now!LOL

I'll let you know how it tastes once it's cooled enough to try. I must say it sure smells nice! LOL and here's a wee taster of how it should look! Mmmmm

Caring is never easy, I find my concentration is a bit impaired recently and I'm tired too. It's difficult to pin point if it's just the heavy load at the moment or if it's the general 'low' feeling a lot of people get as the colder weather begins to draw in.

Yet another afternoon spent amusing myself while Coo is poorly and asleep. I only wish he had the energy to join in a little.
Never mind though, the main thing is we're both ok and I remain hopeful better days are coming!

Hope you're ok where you are too!
maz x

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