Sunday 26 September 2010

Wee luxury foods...

Hi Guys!
Carers are usually on pretty much of a tight budget and little luxuries are really treasured...well I know I do!
One of my passions is for really good quality jam and Coo usually buys me some on the odd occasion we make it out to a National Trust property or when we're on holiday!

So, I'm really pleased! even though I say so myself, about the recent jam making exploits! LOL
Here's what I've managed to 'cook up'so far...

There's loads of pots of nice foody things and among guessed it...JAM! lol
There's some:
* Bramble & Apple
* Rhubarb & Bramble
* Strawberry & Bramble
* Apple & Raspberry
* Rhubarb & Ginger
* Apple & Plum

Can you tell I love those black or even purple juice filled brambles?
They are by far my favourite fruit...
well for this month anyway! LOL

There's also some tasty chutney in there. Made using mostly things grown in the garden too, I'm not really a big chutney fan but I do like a little on a cheesy toasted sandwich and I found an easy recipe (online where else!)so I've given chutney making a whirl too!

In order to satisfy my sweet tooth, I just had to give both the chocolate and vanilla fudge a go and there's still a box of each in the photo but at the rate it's disappearing it won't last long! LOL

Lastly, there's one sad and solitary (although pretty decent sized!) jar of Beetroot and a big bottle of Spiced vinegar which I made and used to pot up the beets and add to the chutney.
I must admit, I was kinda disappointed with the beetroot this time - not the taste as it's sooo lovely, very sweet and with a hint of heat coming through from the spiced vinegar but all my beet plants were very small so I didn't get as much as I thought...what is it they say about not counting your chickens before they're hatched?
I think, the wet weather here this summer definately affected the beets - they were teeny weeny! Never mind though as I only got the one jar this time, I'm saving it for Christmas!

Both Coo and I are eating really well!
I've still got lots of apples, plums and blackberries on the door step and millions of sweet baby potatoes stored. There's some cabbage and even salad greens still hiding under the big leafy plants!

All in all, as pretty much a novice, it's been fun growing our own. I mentioned to my mum, I'd hardly bought any veggies or potatoes in over six months and still had quite a lot of things on the go, stored or pickled, jam-ed (is that even a word? lol) or just beet into submission! LOL

I must have saved a fortune already and the really cold weather is still a ways off so the growing season 'aint over...yet!

The free food is good but do you know what I've enjoyed most?
The garden has been a happy and productive diversion while I've been at home so much these last few months, especially when Coo's been really poorly.

I know lot's of Carers who need to be home a lot and it's always difficult! It's hard to keep focused and just keep going at times! It really has been great finding and sharing ways to keep occupied and sane but mostly it's been fun!

If you still haven't tried growing your own, give it a bash!
It's definately good for you and I think it's good for the soul too, although I doubt the fudge making (and eating) is much good for the waist-line! LOL

maz x

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