Sunday 11 April 2010

The sun comes out...

Hi Guys, no wellies today!
It seems the sun's been sent my way!
Ladythinker commented, she had some sunshine and hoped I'd get some voila!
Here it is and doesn't it make such a difference! LOL
Everyone's mood is lifted and people seem to smile more, well I think so anyway!

In the garden...
I've got out to pot up some more of my wee plants!
I'm not sure on the technical gardening term but the last lot of seedlings are now out of the propagator and into wee individual pots! Woo hoo!
Let's just hope the frost stays away and they survive the next hurdle of Maz's gardening plan! Speaking of which, I've still got to work out exactly what they all are and maybe even what the plan is! LOL

It was such a nice day, even the dogs were getting in on the planting act! LOL

I just hope they don't decide to start digging 'em all out again!

I've been taking things a bit easier and staying close to home again this week as Coo's still coping with his AED's (Anti Epilepsy Drugs) changes. Thankfully he's still doing ok. His seizures are pretty much static at 10-ish a day and while not easy, it's a managable level, well...compared to the 30 a day at his worst point it is! LOL

I'm glad the sun's here at last, let's hope it stays around for a wee bit! We sure could do with it's warmth and the happy, feel good mood, it brings along too!

Sunny thoughts and wishes,
maz x

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