Sunday 11 April 2010

Vote for Carers...

Hi Guys, the peoples policies website, offers us all a chance to vote on up-to-the-minute issues and current affairs.
There are the usual vote for this and vote for that type of thing, there's everything from monkeys in the park to a whole range of social issues and among them a poll in support of unpaid Family Carers.

Family Carers are probably the most under-valued and under supported group in todays society so please take a minute to show your support.

Vote here: Better Support for unpaid Carers

So many Carers struggle and it's not only financially, some struggle more with the lack of services or even just finding somebody to talk to and share the caring load a bit!

Thanks so much for voting!
maz x


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thanks for the info. If I could get paid for caring for mom life would be so much nicer.

  3. I know what you mean, things are way hard enough without money worries too!
    maz x
