Saturday 19 September 2009

Blackpool for Carer Respite?

Hi Guys...I'm back! LOL

Blackpool for Respite? YES!!!!
What a change!

The time away has done me the world of good - no offence to Coo! LOL

Mum and I shopped till we dropped, eat cream cakes, bounced on and off trams and had a date with Elvis! among others! LOL

We went to see the Rock Legends show at the Blackpool Tower Ballroom and it was
...totally brilliant!

I didn't know what to expect and I must admit, the acts were all excellent!
The Elvis guy looked mighty cute too!

So with the comfy beds, good food and bargains to be had on every corner I had a FAB time!

I guess that's why respite is so important!
I knew Coo was fine and I can totally trust Looby.
I did phone to speak to him each morning and then I could relax the rest of the day knowing he was fine.

This really meant I could have a hassle free break.
Thank God for our Direct Payment it really works so well for us!

My hope is all Carers can get a break and soon.
It's so very important.
Everyone needs a break, a chance to sleep and recharge their batteries!

maz x


  1. I just found your blog the other day so did not know you where gone had no time to miss you. Glad you had a great time.

  2. Hi Karen, nice to see you back again!
    Thanks, I did have a good time although I now think my mum's more active than me! LOL

    maz x

  3. We all need the occasional break! Glad you enjoyed yours. I'm having a few days away at the end of the month.

    Best wishes.

  4. Leslie at
    awarded me with the Happy scrap Award I want to share it with you. Thanks for Blogging.

  5. Hi Karen and thanks for sharing!

    maz x
