Wednesday 30 September 2009

Birthday fun...

Hi guys - it's my Birthday today!

I've had a good day.
Our son and Coo went out last minute shopping so this meant I had the whole morning to myself!
I mooched around in my jammies, woke up slowly and just enjoyed the time out with a cuppa! LOL

When they got back they brought Looby with them and...presents - wooo hooo!

We had a cuppa while I opened them and for once all the hinting worked as Coo got me the smoothie maker I've had my eye on - result.

Thank goodness Looby went with them shopping as she brought an assortment of fruits to squish up! LOL

Well, it was like old times, you know, when your kids are little and they get something new and everybody's got to have a go straight away?

I had the smoothies going big style and we all tasted and tried with gusto!
Only difference was, this time, I was the little kid trying 'em out and egging them on! lol

Not sure about this one!
I think I'll give any green ones a miss! LOL

Lesson 1: in smoothie making - go easy on the bananas...
Lesson 2: in smoothie making - green 'aint a good colour choice!

After all that, this afternoon we all went out to lunch!

What a good day!

maz x


  1. Happy Birthday!!!!! I have a great smoothie recipe. IT isn't green LOL! 1 cup orange jc., 1 cup milk,6oz.vannila favored yogart, 1 banana and some frozen fruit. Blueberries and strawberries are great. A handfull of each is what I like. I get big bags of frozen fruit at Sams wholesale club. They last forever.

  2. Happy birtyhday!!!!! We got one of those smoothie machines a couple of years ago, and they're great fun. Marie & the kids mix all kinds of stuff together and I get to try the results. Not all of them are unpalatable!

  3. Happy Birthday Maz!!! hope you have a lovely day.
    I've been trying to have more green smoothies too, I have lovely one with coz lettuce, banana and mango yum!!
