Wednesday 10 June 2009

Sunshiney Days...

Hi guys! I'm back from Blackpool

The Central Travelodge is fantastic!!

and the weather? was fantastic too! LOL

It was sunny every day so we walked on the beach, ate ice-cream and generally chilled out and it was GREAT! lol

Just look at the view from our room!

Cool or what!

We giggled like kids and had a real fun time and we both feel a benefit from that as Coo has been really poorly and we've both been stressed lately.

Anyways, another bonus...Coo wasn't too bad while we were away, mind you he was falling asleep by 8 o'clock every night - must have been the sea air!

We're pretty much shattered with the travelling but it sure was fun.

I'm so glad the sun stuck around as everything seems so much brighter when the sun shines doesn't it!

Of course, no visit to Blackpool is complete without a hurl on the trams! lol

We sure had fun!

maz x


  1. I was green with envy when I read your post. How I would love to have a few carefree days, no worries or duties to spoil them...

    Ah well, I will get a break soon - or perhaps later? And no one deserved a good break more than you!

  2. Me too - totally envious!

    So happy for you.


  3. Cheers Guys!
    It was so great to have a few days away.

    Your time will come! LOL

    Happy thoughts,
    maz x
