Friday 19 June 2009

Carers Week 2009...

Well, haven't I been busy!

lol Last year for Carers Week, I met with Scotland's health secretary Nicola Sturgeon, to try and raise Carers issues and this year well....I was on the...

Cool or what? LOL

The reporters came to our home to film on Tuesday and it was all edited and on the news for Friday night!

Coo wasn't well enough to be filmed but in any case he wouldn't have been keen, he's a bit quieter than me!

I only hope sharing my story helps other Carers push for better services and a bit of help.

Here's hoping,
maz x


  1. maz - I'm always impressed with your contribution to making life better for carers! I hope that you were happy with your TV coverage. I've been on the TV & radio a few times, and they quite often edit out 90%! Sometimes I felt that they had missed the main point completely. I hope your experience has been better.

  2. Cheers Robert, actually it went pretty well.
    It was originally going to be a 2 minute slot but ended up being the STV special report for Carers Week and ran for 5 minutes!

    lots of people have said they saw it so I guess jobs a good 'un! LOL

    maz x
