Wednesday 13 May 2009

Parliament calls to Carers...

Hi guys!

You'll have noticed from the title I've had some more dealings with the parly!

Well, both Rob,(another Carer who really helped hugely, with the scottish end of the Poverty Protest) and myself have been invited to meet with MSP's in June.
I'm just glad they seem to be listening and hope something positive comes out of it!

Unfortunately, I've had to decline this time as it's in the same week I've booked for Coo and I to travelodge-it at Blackpool - typical!

While it would have been nice to hob-nob at the parly, it'll be even nicer still if the sun shines for Coo and I at Blackpool!

Speaking of sunshine, would you beleive it?
It hasn't rained here for 4 whole days...
Now that is a record!

After 6 weeks of rainy days...
we think we're in the Bahamas!! lol

Back to the parly and the protest issues...

I'm pretty sure there'll be other times to fight the good fight so this time I'm being a bit selfish as a wee break away - and not of the choccy biscuit variety! is really more needed.
Come to think of it - we could do with some chocolate too! lol

Anyways, I hope the sun's shinning where you are and things are being kind to you and yours,

maz x


  1. You deserve a break! You have done LOADS!

    Glad your weather has been good for a while. We've been having really nice weather recently, except for the last couple of days, and we've been getting out admiring Nature's bounty. I know your spring & summer seasons come a bit later than ours, but when they arrive, you have superb scenery too!

  2. Hi Robert, our weather is still pretty much behaving!
    Bar a few bouts of raon it's been fairly mild...very strange for here! lol

    Glad you've been out and about too!

    maz x
