Wednesday 29 April 2009

Carers find their voice...

The march was a blast...not that you should use that word regarding a parliament visit - but it was! LOL

We left from the coast at 10 o'clock and arrived in at edinburgh at quarter past twelve.
The weather behaved, I'm so glad the sun came out as it made the march much more enjoyable!

Here's some can't miss me!
I'm the one in the eye-catching fashion combo...
Red Tartan and hi-vis yellow vest,

Making our way down the 'Royal Mile'

Well, I guess I was visible! LOL

Let's hope our government listens...

We are now officially youtube stars!LOL

Carers Speak

April 22nd is a date we now know,
That Carers took action and to Parliament did go!
Well Carers at last decided to speak.
To tell of their issues and the help they seek.

From all corners of the land,
They were at Parliament as planned.
It’s so sad they needed to take to the street.
To plead and inform all they could meet.

The question is will our government take heed,
of struggling Carers stressed and in need.
Who knows, we will see.
What will be will be,
but surely someone will help with this burden of theirs.
After all, dear Lord, there must be at least one who cares!

It’s a long hard fight and we’ll struggle on through.
Please remember Carers for it so could be you.

Maz x


  1. Sure looks like a ton of fun! We never get anything like that near me. I enjoy your blog.


  2. Thanks!
    It was fun, we all got to rasie our voices and try to get the message out there!

    maz x

  3. I hope that the stay-at-home carers appreciate what you guys did for them. I certainly do.
