Wednesday 4 March 2009

My Carer Protest Poem...

The fight goes on...

I'm involved with the group trying to get some justice and support for Carers.
We're marching on both parliaments in London and Edinburgh on April 22nd.

There's more information here too - we've been busy! LOL

Our march and rally is really to raise awareness of Carer issues, the low level of Carer Allowance and the fact that once you reach pension age, you will continue caring probably until your own health fails or you drop but our government says your a pensioner now so you no longer qualify for Carers Allowance anymore!

Now where's the justice in that?

Another issue we're protesting about is the lack of services and respite to enable Carers to continue in such a difficult caring role long term.

So to aid the cause I've penned a poem.
I've given permission for someone else to read it on my behalf in London as I will be reading it in Edinburgh at practically the same time and I haven't mastered being in two places at once...yet! LOL

Here's a sneaky peek...

‘Just a little Peace’

We don’t need any help, we’re managing fine,
Pile it on…pile it on…never look for a sign.
Carers work on with not much of a break,
They continue to care for a loved ones sake.

As the caring goes on and the load does increase,
God send us some respite, just a little peace.
Some time to go walking, kicking leaves in the park,
even just sleeping when everything’s dark.
The caring continues deep into the night,
we struggle and strive and continue to fight.
For help it is out there or so we are told,
but trying to find need to be bold.

Some time for a break, to do something new.
Maybe just sit still and take time for you.
Reading a book or watching a show,
Finish something, not having to go.
As the caring goes on and the load does increase,
God send us some respite, just a little peace.

It’s not easy to spot us, we look just like you.
Carers are working and constantly too.
When others go home at the end of the day,
We still keep on working, minus the pay.
Please listen now, it’s so easy to find,
Yourself as a Carer and stuck in this bind.
Nobody knows how, it just happens unplanned,
as quick as that jar with the small grains of sand.

Heed what we say as we carry on,
caring and struggling way past the dawn.
we know lots of Carers who live in this way,
it’s not what they asked for, this role that they play.

Some time to themselves it’s not much to expect.
It’s down to government and Scottish Exec.
Some help with this task that never seems to cease.
as caring goes on and the load does so increase,
please send them some respite and just a little peace…

It kinda covers all that I want to say.

If you can't make the march please sign the petition as every name counts!

We all must stand together.

Let's hope for some sunshine, lolly pops and rainbowns!

A positive thinking,
maz x


  1. I can't make the march, but I signed the petition.

  2. Cheers Robert, every name helps!

    maz x

  3. I can't make the march, but I signed the petition Today.
    Good luck with the march.
