Thursday 26 February 2009

Our Care Club...

You'd think me as a Carer and Coo with his own health problems, the last thing we'd need would be coping with more disabilities...not so!

For those who haven't visited before both Coo and I help run a wee club once a week for people with either learning or physical disabilities and it's great fun.

From days out, domino and pool competitions to just about anything really we'll give it a bash!

This week, I decided instead of buying biscuits for the tea break we'd have a change and russell up something a la delia instead...

I dug in the cupboard for a pot of jam, some biccys and icing sugar that would just hit the spot nicely!

Well, in between printing out some certificates for the pool comp and sorting some beads for earing making the deed was done.
Mind you we were all sticky and so were the tables but the empire biscuits turned out brilliantly!

Glad I don't need to diet as who knows how many calories in that little lot! LOL

Roll on next week, maybe we'll do chocolate crispies.
Now doesn't this put you in the notion for some...


Chocs away!
maz x


  1. You're a wee gem, Maz! The Gateway club we had around these parts had to close a couple of years ago due to lack of volunteers, and has never reopened. So all those disabled folk, some of whom rarely leave their houses, have lost out badly. Perhaps when my kids get older, I'll have a look at what can be done...

    I bet it is really good therapy for Coo!

  2. It is Robert, we've got adults with a whole range of health issues and disabilities from Downs, C.P. Epilepsy, Diabetes and learning difficulties.

    It's great to see everyone having some FUN!
    They pay a pound to cover their tea and the hall let and that's it!
    It's a shame there aren't wee clubs everywhere isn't it.

    maz x

  3. It is Robert, we've got adults with a whole range of health issues and disabilities from Downs, C.P. Epilepsy, Diabetes and learning difficulties.

    It's great to see everyone having some FUN!
    They pay a pound to cover their tea and the hall let and that's it!
    It's a shame there aren't wee clubs everywhere isn't it.

    maz x
