Sunday 30 November 2008


I came across a quote today which made me smile.
It's so apt for Carers that I wanted to share it with you.

We are each of us angels, with only one wing. We can only fly by embracing each other.
Luciano De Crescenzo

Isn't that a pretty poem?
I thought you'd like it!

Carers do such an important job, giving up a chunk of their time and sometimes their dreams to help another person and sadly, they don't always get the appreciation they truly deserve.

My granny used to say: "never mind hen, they're up there shinning up your halo!"
When I think of that, it makes me smile as sure as can be they were up there shinning hers too!
My granny died in a December and I miss her especially near Christmas time.
It's true what they say though, they're never really gone, while you can remember them with a memory and a smile.

Take care,
maz x

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