Wednesday 26 November 2008

An Award for me?..Why thank you!

The Kreativ Blogger Award!

Robert nominated me this award. Gosh, I've come over all Oscars haven't I!LOL

Ok, in accepting the award I must reveal 6 of the things which make me happy, and then in turn pass the award to 6 other bloggers!

So…here Goes!

1. Santa,Snowball fights mostly anything Christmassy!
2. Autumn - Kicking up the crunchy, golden leaves!
3. Cream Teas - aw well who doesn't! LOL
4. Puppies especially Jack Russell ones!
5. Suneshiney Days - even if it's just the sun on my face for a little bit on a bright winter morning!
6. Cuddles - there's such comfort in them isn't there!

My 6 talented Bloggers...

1.Tilly's dealing with Dementia.
2. Sam's Battling with Schizophrenia
3.Calamity's some woman!
4.Demented Daughter.
5. Always a joy to share!
6.Mom to a 18 year old with Bipolar.

There were sooo many good blogs to choose from!

Robert,thanks for the award and thanks for thinking of me!

Sunny thoughts in winter time!!LOL
maz x

1 comment:

  1. thanks maz! i'll have to give this some thought!

    happy holidays to you, i hope you have a wonderful christmas.
