Sunday 4 May 2008

Old pics....

Aren't old Pics a bit of a pick-me-up?

I came across some photographs from a family holiday around 15 years ago and they brought back sooo many happy memories of my children and.....


When we met him at the then Euro Disney - I wonder what year it was!
Anyone know when Disneyland Paris opened?

Coo looked so healthy and happy too, we had such a happy time there.

By the looks of them, my kids are around 10 & 6 as opposed to 24 and 20...Gosh that makes me feel my age! but then again, I had them very young!

Coo and I spent a good, happy hour going through them all.

We must dig out some more as it sure did us both no end of good!

maz x


  1. You're having a good period now, aren't you? I'm really pleased for you and I hope it lasts, and lasts, and lasts......

  2. Cheers Robert!

    I hope things are good with you too!

    maz x
