Wednesday 23 April 2008


Hi all, I've been having some problems with my shoulder this past year and saw the Physio for some sessions, see...
***** Ouch not again! *****
Unfortunatly after a few months of squeezing, poking and proding the deal is....
Sorry, it's not working go back to your Doctor....well, alrighty then!

Our G.P. says don't bother coming in, I know what it's like so I'll just refer you to an Orthopaedic.
They'll be in touch, well cheers!

Nobody has ever mentioned surgery and I'm pretty sure I'd have remembered THAT bit, don't you think?

I guess it'll be a case of keep taking the painkillers and slapping on the TENS

Must admit, they do ease the pain somewhat but I'm not so sure about the woosy feeling that comes with them too.

Being a Tee-totaller, I wouldn't know but at a guess, maybe this is how drunk people feel!

Maybe I'll just pass on the pills and keep zapping away!

Thank Goodness Coo's still feeling Hunky-Dory at the moment and I suppose, looking on the bright side at least I'll avoid any more painful Physio sessions for the time being anyway!

maz x

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