Sunday 5 August 2007

Oh that Jab...ouch!

Well, I did need another jab, my shoulder wasn't as bad as last time but it's still bothering me.
What is it they say? no gain? I'm not so sure about that!

Things are still a bit unsettled here, lots of seizures and with a sore shoulder too, my patience isn't at it's best...

Never mind, Looby's here to stay over tonight (thanks to our Direct Payment!) so I'll get some sleep....Yippeeeee!

As Scarlett famously said 'tomorrow is another day' and so it is.
I've got a Carer meeting and one thing's true: a cuppa and a chat are always welcome.

I usually feel better after spending some time with other Carers.

maz x


  1. Sorry to hear about your shoulder, I hope that improves soon.

    Do you find the carers group helpful? I used to go to one but it was rubbish!

  2. I do find it helpful, it's good for a cuppa and a chill out time but it's also quite a good support group too!
    I'm finding it more helpful as time goes on as the other carers share information on available help and services.
    The group arranges days out every few months at a really cheap price and I've been able to go on some this year as our Direct Payment is flexible so i can use a few hours to get away so that's been a bonus too!

    maz x

  3. It sounds good. The one I went to was more like a coffee morning in an old peoples home! (actually, it was held in an old peoples home!)
