Tuesday 31 July 2007

The Tens Machine...

Well, this shoulder is still pretty painful so I thought I'd dig out the TENS machine and give it a bash!
It's a while since I've needed to use it, away last year, anyway, I got the thing out and then decided I'd better check there was still some power in the battery.
I remembered the power light doesn't come on until the pads are connected, so far so good...NOT!
I turned the power on and forgot I was still holding the blooming pad - I was reminded of that quick, smart as the shock went up my fingers!!
It's only a small electrical shock but it did give me a bit of a fright!

It could have been worse, the machine did help with the shoulder pain and at least my hair wasn't left standing on end like a hedgehog!

Roll on tomorrow and I'll see what our doctor has to say!

maz x

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