Thursday 19 July 2007

Cinema: To go or not to go....

We've been trying to get to the cinema all week to see the new Harry Potter movie without success.
Coo's been having a rough week again - no sleep and lots of seizures, he really wants to go but needs to have a settled night or at least some sleep before we're brave enough to chance it!

I'm afraid with no sleep and lots of seizures the night before AND a nice warm, dark cinema, it would be just about impossible to keep him awake and the minute he dozed off: he'd start to seize so no Harry yet again today!

Never mind, I'm sure it runs for weeks yet so we'll get there and until then there's always the trailer!

maz x


  1. Hi there,
    I'm a carer to my disabled and have been wanting to go to see harry potter but she has been particularly bad so would be in too much pain. Hope you get out to see it soon.
    I have enjoyed reading your blog and have added it to the blogroll of my own carers blog at

  2. Glad you liked the blog.
    I hope we both get to see Harry soon, if not...there's always the DVD release!
    maz x

  3. Hi maz,
    got to see it yesterday, although was planned by for saturday. Was pretty good, but just nice to be out. Hope you see it soon.

  4. Mr Man can't cope with being at the cinema. (Or he's not willing to try it to find out anyway) There's films that he'd like to see but he'd rather just wait until they come out on DVD.

    Hope you get to see your film soon.

    (Ah-ha! I see the author of "construct yourself" has a name! So I won't have to keep calling him "anonymous!")

  5. Cheers, I'm still hopeful about seeing it!
    maz x
