Monday 23 July 2007

At last a....Sunny Day!

Well, the sun is back this way for a visit!
It's been so wet and horrid this summer I wondered where it'd gone!

Coo's in bed and I'm ever so glad we got the seizure alarm as it makes things so much more easier.
I can take the handset into the garden with me to at least enjoy the sunny day however long it lasts.

Still no Harry Potter yet, but we're still working on it!

Tonight we've got our club, it's held in our local community centre and it's a bit of a social thing really.
We began the group along with a friend as there were quite a few people with health problems or additional needs living locally who wanted somewhere to just hang out and have a bit of fun once a week.
A quick note to our community centre and the club was born!
We have 10 people who come along every week, I get to chat,drink tea, singalong to some music with the others and Coo gets to play a few games of pool or table tennis.

So that's why Coo's asleep just now, if he has a sleep in the afternoon, he can stay awake (and seizure free)long enough to let us both get out to 'play' tonight!

Seriously though, it's a hassle free night out we both enjoy!

maz x

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