Tuesday 7 June 2016

#CarersWeek Time outs and Troubles...

Hi guys, it's Carers Week!
So far I've managed a wee trip up to Glasgow Science Centre with my wee Three Towns Carers. They were so kind and offered us a fully supported trip! Woo hoo - result!
I've a historic walk planned for tomorrow around old Irvine's Harbour area which sounds good too so that's the fun bit...what's the troubles then?

All those balls, juggling again...
Well, I've already been at a meeting yesterday with our PPF (Patient Participation Forum) and I've another today - a follow-up one and I agreed to at the last minute! It's on shaping services for older people and complex needs and I've another stacked up for tomorrow with the Health & Social Care 'Performance and Audit'! All very valuable and all equally important and in theory do-able but and here's the rub...Coo has taken another tumble!
I should have saw it coming, his AED's (Anti Epilepsy Drugs) were too high in his system two weeks ago so he's had to reduce the dose. Now all seemed fine, well fine for Coo that is, around 10 seizures a night but last night's been a bit of a trial! He's seized every 20 minutes since two a.m. and...of all weeks, it would have to be this one - Carers Week, where I'm a bit stretched as it is!
Typical how Caring kinda gets in the way and just when you think you have it ticking along and manageable? Bang! Something happens to remind you again, just how fragile the balancing act all really is!
Aw well, it is what it is!
At least I have some support in place. Our SDS (Self Directed Support) Care Package, does ensure I have some sleep and additional respite care to at least enable me to function and continue mostly as planned so I will make my meetings and most of the fun stuff that's important too!
Gone are the days where it felt the whole world's cancelled and just staying home was the order of the day!
Now-a-days, Looby comes to keep Coo company and life goes on!

As for my own health hassles?  More bloods tomorrow! You gotta see the funny side...His 'n' Hers blood test appointments?!? That's a whole new area- even for us!lol
So the health hassles/self management? Still a work in progress but...I've parked them for this week! lol
Anyway, keep strong, I hope you have some support where you are and are managing to find some Carer week fun too!
Maz x

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