Tuesday 3 November 2015

Hard hats, flak jackets ADOC & that Carer Roller coaster...

Hi guys another difficult few days!

Caring sure is a roller coaster ride at times that's for sure!
We were out walking in the fresh air one day and the next? Struggle and strife! Coo's taken a bit of a tumble again so it's been a real struggle here.
We're back in Antibio-land!

Firstly a major cough hit and his temperature shot up, then the dreaded seizure increase kicked in. Why does it always deteriorate at the weekend, when there's no chance of seeing your own Doctor?
Any how, we sat it out and tried coping at home for kicking 48 hours intending to see our own Doctor on Monday but things were getting scary and the vomiting seizures were back - I hate them, after a bout of aspiration pneumonia, they really scare me the most - it's the noise, the choking, infact it's just everything about them really!
We no longer had a choice, we couldn't wait till Monday, it was time to get help! ADOC (Ayrshire Doctors On Call) our local out of hours services were great. They saw Coo quickly, the Doctor handled things kindly, checked him out and sorted some antibiotics - the seizure increase in almost always caused by infection!
This let us trundle on till Monday and our own beloved GP - yet more pills and potions but at last some improvement! Yeah..crisis averted and no hospital admissions this time so...result!

Things are still a bit up and down and Coo's a bit banged about with all the seizures but we are coping and we're ok - hope you're doing ok too!
Maz x