Monday 21 September 2015

Carpal tunnel, Caring, Pledges and time out...

Hi guys, it's been a difficult month but we're still alive and kicking!

Carpal Tunnel take 2...
I'm now three months in with the Carpal Tunnel flare up and there's no sign of it letting up anytime soon. Good news is I've now been to hospital and bad news? I need referred to Glasgow...I guess things are moving - not sure in which direction yet...but they should be moving! lol

Caring, struggles and SDS...
Meanwhile caring with Coo is more difficult at the moment, moving and handling and the general wear and tear coping with such a high level of seizure activity all the time is so wearing and so painful. Thank goodness for our SDS (Self Directed Support), we used some of our budget to buy an adjustable bed to help cope with these latest struggles and I'm so glad we did, lord alone knows how we'd have coped this last few months without it!

Hard hat time again... 
Coo is still struggling on.
His blood results are fine this month, on the high side but fine. We were struggling to work out just why he has yet another increase in seizures, mood swings and struggles, then lo-and-behold he now has a temperature and raging cold - mystery solved!
It's now a case of battening down the hatches, getting that hard hat out again and holing up at home for a while!

Keeping my pledge...
Last year at Tommy's wonderful Carers Concert in Glasgow. I made a pledge to wherever possible, make sure Carers voices are heard...and I do wherever and whenever I can so even with the current care issues (and health ones!) I still manage to make it out to IJB (Integrated Joint Board Health and Social Care), the Carers Advisory and my Three Towns Carers group. The SDS package we have in place, makes it possible for me to contribute and continue with things I find important and rewarding and I think that kinda keeps me going to!

Carers time out... 
I used to feel trapped when these enforced times at home came around but with the support in place, I still manage to get out and about. This morning I managed to meet the other Carers at the Rowantree for a wee breakfast meeting and a look around the garden centre. Seems a little thing but infact it's huge not having to cancel things as Coo's poorly - changed days and happier times too and on that note I'll end!

We're ok, hope you're doing ok where you are too!
Maz x

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