Tuesday 12 May 2015

On the up, pain probs and bike rides too...

Hi guys, Hope you're well,
We've been taking it a wee bit easier this week and I guess it's been a mixture of the post holiday blues and my own pain levels this time around but on the plus side -  Coo's back on the up and...thank goodness for that! lol

My own health issues have continued. 
I'm ok but I've had some news on that front.
 It seems, all the issues at Christmas are stemming from a neck problem...who knew?
It looks like I have degenerative discs, nerve damage and neuropathic pain so pain meds and physio seem to be in order.
I'm not finding this new development at all easy - Turns out I'm a rubbish patient! I have all the patience in the world for Coo when he's poorly but markedly less so for myself, I just keep pushing myself a bit too far, I wonder if that's a Carer failing in general? Anyways, I started the pain meds a couple of weeks ago and this week, thankfully, they are working!

All in all, with Coo back on the up and my pain levels down (what a see-saw!), things have been pretty positive here this week!
The weather improved the other day too, the sun even came out and we managed a bike ride...woo hoo!
What a wheeze it was too! It's so good getting back out in the fresh air for a wee while, the feeling of freedom is really quite addictive - something that feels this much fun, shouldn't be good for you! lol

The first time out this season and we were both pretty much fine afterwards so...jobs a good 'un! lol

If you get the chance, give cycling a go, it sure is fun!

Remember to take care of you!
Maz x

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