Sunday 1 March 2015

Advisory Group, Carer Newspaper & 3T Carers ...

Hi guys, it's been a mixed bag kinda week...again!

Coo's been poorly again and we've mostly been home, although I did manage out to my meeting on Wednesday!
The Carers Advisory Group...

This is the group where Carers, local authority, NHS and third sector get around the table, discuss issues and look for solutions and a way forward - important stuff!
It's good Carers are now regarded as equal partners - well around here anyways!
Gone are the days where services were developed and delivered in a 'take it or leave it' approach, only Carers know what will truly work for them and it's never a one-size-fits-all kinda deal!
In recent years it's sure improved around here and lets hope it's improving elsewhere too!
The Carers Newspaper...

I've decide to highlight and post a link to the...
        Carer Newspaper.
Sometimes Wendy and the Chill 4 us Carers team include items from here and even if I'm not included - it's always a good read so...
Thank you Wendy!

Last but not least...The Three Towns Carers!

Even though things are not doing brilliantly here health-wise at the minute with Coo, thanks to our SDS (Self Directed Support) care package, I will still get out tomorrow and spend some time with other Carers. It's so important to have a wee time out, it may just seem like a cup of tea and a chat but it's so much more! In fact, it's vital for Carers to spend time together, share information, experience and advice and most important of all...have a laugh and for a wee while, turn off all the stress of caring. I'd be lost without them!
If you haven't already, dig up a local Carer group and give them a go, you may be pleasantly surprised at the warm welcome!
Stay strong
Maz x

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